Saturday, October 15, 2011


So this post is all about your 1st Birthday Party!  It's funny cause before I had you girls, I use to be sooo organized and had everything so planned.  WEELLL, nowadays I have to throw that out the window!  I had the invitations in the mail and all was ready to go and then Addison got sick.  I thought no big deal cause it was far enough in advance and she would be over it by your party.  BUT what if you got it?  Then it would be right around party day and what would I do?  Well, you got it too (if I remember correctly it was tonsillitis).  So, I rescheduled the party for the next week but a lot of people couldn't make it.  BUT that was OK because we ended up having a really low key fabulous time!  Smaller is better!  We will do it like this from now on until you girls see otherwise!
Cute little plates!
I have always taken monthly pictures to document your growth.  I did this with Addison until she turned 2!  At the 1st Birthday I love to put each pic in a frame and make a circle around some cupcakes or appetizers.  So very sentimental to me!  After the party I always set them up in your baby book. 
So, you had chocolate cupcakes this go around and I think you liked these better than the pink ones on your actual b-day.  They were pretty fantastic!  I did however leave off the sprinkles for you.  Didn't want to take any chances since you only have 2 bottom teeth! 

These were right before the party and I LOVE them!  This was Addison's birthday dress.  You also wore this for your Hawkins photo session( so did Addison).  It is so fluffy at the bottom and I just LOVE it!  I think you did too!

Check out my bottom teeth!

Doing your bumble bee noise

We took you for your 1 year check up when you were almost 13 months.  You girls are proving to be my little petite mamas!  You weighed 18 lbs 10oz (10%) and your length was around 25%.  Addison was pretty much the exact same!  Wonderful things come in small packages!

So happy Mama's holding me!
This is usually what it looks like on a daily basis.  Both kids in some sort of way are on top of me.  I gotta say, I do feel pretty loved!  Oh, and the dogs are never far behind!
I would have to say that this is a pretty normal smile from Addison!  Wow!  I guess we are close to getting out of that "Silly Face" stage!
We ordered pepperoni pizza from Pie Works and you thought it was ok.  I just thought it was funny that you even gave it a try!  No worries though, everyone else loved it!

So by this time you were pretty aware of this whole cupcake/candle thing!  You had the process down and you were pumped to get your hands on that cake!

We had Pat, April, Claire, Baby Sophie (as Addison calls her), Laura, Clay, and Lilly at your party!  It was sooo fun and we had a BLAST letting y'all play outside.  You love to swing and that's where you spent a good bit of time. 

Time to DIG IN!

Can you tell I'm LOVIN' IT?!
Big sister has a thing for these chocolate cupcakes too.  Although she prefers hers to be loaded down with sprinkles!

And here you are after the party digging through your presents!  You just started going through them and pulling everything out! 
You still love a good crawling match.  You begin to chase us and then we turn around and you will high tail it to the other room!  You think this is hilarious and could probably do this all day long. 
These are priceless of you and Daddy!  You needed to be changed and when he brought you back I said, "WHAT is she wearing?"  He said, "LSU clothes!"  I said, "Matt, that doesn't even match."  He said, "It's a purple shirt and purple pants."  MEN!!!!  I let it go though.  Isn't it funny how some of the best pictures ever are always in mismatched outfits?!?!


Friday, October 14, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELODY!!! (Part 1...the actual day)

Happy Birthday SWEET MELODY!!!  This post has been in the making for sometime now but you are currently 13 months.  I loved all the pictures and I would never be able to choose!  I want you to be able to see just how precious and full of life you really are!  These are all on your actual birthday September 9th.  I pretty much documented throughout the day starting with breakfast and a nice helping of organic whole milk! 

You had cinnamon toast waffles and peaches for breakfast.  The waffles are one of your favorites and you tend to just devour them! 
I'm sure your thinking, "Really Mom?  It's only 8 AM!  Put that thing away!"
I was super excited about starting the whole milk.  I knew you would love it and I was so excited that we weren't going to have to mess with all those bottle parts.  Y'all have the same cups but Addison's are 10 oz and yours are 7 oz.  That makes things sooo much easier!
You took to the milk just as I expected.  AND as of 13 months old, I am still nursing you.  Because you love it so much, I have had a hard time thinking of stopping.  What I truly want is for you to make the decision on your own.  I was hoping this milk in a cup thing would help things along and it certainly has!  You just drink so much and it is so easy for you that you have really cut the nursing in half!  That was YOUR decision not mine!!!!  That makes me feel so much better.  I didn't slowly take a session away week by week or anything like that.  You just continued to show interest in the mornings, before morning nap and at bedtime.  Any other times you wanted nothing to do with it!  You are my last baby and I just want to hold on to some things for as long as possible (and not be too weird about it!) 

Addison was so happy it was your birthday and sang to you all day long.  She also wanted to share the attention and insisted on having her picture made during breakfast!
Totsie came in town so that we could take the Birthday Girl out for some lunch.  Addison stayed home and we just got to have some time with you and reflect on what a wonderful blessing you are to us.  You truly make our family complete!

You of course hammed it up for the camera and totally enjoyed your one on one time with us!
For your age I would say you are an incredible eater.  You really don't turn that much away.  One night I made a roast with potatoes and carrots and you just went to town.  I just stared in amazement.  Addison of course had nothing to do with it and am sure ate something like chicken nuggets or mac n' cheese.  You know- typical toddler food!  You aren't old enough to realize all that stuff yet.  I'm sure your day is coming and you will soon refuse good healthy food.  Until then, I will continue to give you things like roast, broccoli soup, spaghetti and blueberry muffins!  Another hilarious thing is that you will sometimes moan when you eat!  You will be stuffing your face so fast and be moaning at the same time.  You keep it honest sweet girl!
You loved biting on your table topper!

You still do your signature move!
Some things that you do right now: You stand by yourself all the time and have started cruising around furniture.  I'm thinking you will be a 14 month walker as of right now.  (Addison was 16 months). I am in no way wanting to rush that though!  It's hard enough keeping up with you when you crawl!  You are SO fast and sneaky!  You are one big cuddle bug!  You love to snuggle and for ME to hold you CONSTANTLY!  If I put you down for a split second you will completely lose it!  That makes things quite challenging some times when I'm struggling to get everyone out the door or having to dress Addison/ help with the potty.  You are definitely a MOMMA'S GIRL!  You still freak out if anyone other than me tries to pick you up or if I walk out of your sight.  Gotta say, it does make me pretty happy:)  You have a very pleasant personality.  You are bubbly, silly, and oh so sweet!  I can already tell you have a kind heart.  You still love to play with Addison and get sooo excited when we go and get her up in the morning.  You will be on my hip and just start bouncing and laughing and light up all over as we get closer to her room.  You are still pretty easy.  The thing that is most difficult is being on the go so much between school and therapy.  You love napping in your crib and if we are on the road you get pretty mad!  You eventually fall asleep but can fight it really hard.  You also would love it if I could just hold you while driving- HA!  Oh, how that would make things sooo much easier!  You have such sweet and honest eyes.  They look like big blueberries sometimes!  You love to play peek-a-boo.  That's a big thing around here along with patty cake.  Addison really loves doing those with you!  You love to take my phone and hold it up to your ear and say,"Hi Daddy!" But it really comes out as, "Hi Dadoo or Dadun."  It is sooo cute!  Your words are Mama, Daddy, Uh Oh, Thank you (comes out as Tank U), and you bark like the dogs!  When you hear them bark, you will pucker your lips and make a "Woo Woo" sound but with a deep grunt.  Sounds like a pretty good bark!  You are a MAJOR dog lover.  The pups are great entertainment for you and they let you love all over them.  I think they know they can't win and they better get use to it!  We have recently introduced Addison to The Little Mermaid and you LOVE to sing along with Ariel!!  You will go, "AHHH AHHHH AHHHHH!"  You picked that up sooo fast.  I remember singing that part to Addison after she watched it for the first time.  Then, I all of a sudden hear you repeating me!  It was hilarious and now you girls just sing that part all the time.  I can sing any part of a song and you will try to mimick the sound and beat.  Definitely got a musical bone!  When you dance you always throw your hands in the air, wiggle your booty and get the biggest smile on your face.  Sure does make me smile!  You can't stand to wear bibs.  I always try and put one on you before you eat cause you get sooo messy.  You will immediately rip it off and if it's a snap one you will pull and scream until I take it off.  I pick my battles.  Then, when it's time to wipe your face it becomes a huge battle.  I basically have to hold your head still and wipe as fast as I can!
That afternoon we went outside and put down a big blanket to let you girls play.  This was your first time to play in the grass and you were very hesitant.  You liked the soft blanket instead!

Addison still enjoys loving on you and you tolerate it just fine!  She wanted you to wear your sunglasses just like she was! 

Touching grass for the first time!
We ate dinner so fast cause we couldn't wait to see what you thought of your first cupcake and chocolate icecream!

I put the famous "1" birthday hat on you.  You weren't really a fan and we had to take the pics before a meltdown occurred. 
Here you are diggin' in!  You kinda just played with it at first and then decided to dive in!

Not Sure?!

I'm thinking you liked it ok!

Addison of course wanted to wear the hat, blow out a candle, and have us sing to her!  Yikes!
I thought this was a priceless pic.  I wish we all ate our cupcakes like this!
So Matt was doing a fabulous job of videoing and taking pics, that he forgot to get the main cupcake shot with the candle.  So, in this pic she has already had her cake, but we wanted to make sure and get the candle shot for documenting purposes.
After dinner we let you open all of your gifts.  Boy were you into the paper!  I believed we did all the unwrapping and then you played with all the bags/paper.  I'm really not sure why we get kids gifts at this age.  Y'all really don't care and only want to play with the things that were basically free!

You really liked reading the cards!
I think your favorite toys were the teething fruit ring, keys, and these two cool purple toys that make neat noises when you shake and roll them.  You are totally musical and we knew you would really like these!

What's funny is that Addison is very aware that all of these toys are your birthday presents, yet she refuses to let you play with ANY of them!  On the bright side, it has been a good "sharing lesson" for her but unfortunately ends in some meltdowns and corner time. 

Playing on the boxes!
I just can't believe it's been a whole year since that wonderful day of seeing you for the first time!  It was such an amazing experience that I will always hold close to my heart.  We love you so very much Melody Rose!