Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Addison!

Happy 4th Birthday Addison!  You had such an awesome party!  It was a Hello Kitty theme this year since that is what you are loving.  Mrs. Whitenberg did the cake...of course!  LOVE that we can get the cool cakes that are peanut-free!  We had a great crowd and y'all had a blast.  We got Papa to bring over one of his jumpy houses that he has and it was a huge hit.  I think every 4-7 year old has one at their birthday parties.  Our backyard kinda resembled a fair with all the kiddo stuff!
After the party enjoying some Mommy and Daddy presents.
Look at this!  You love to write your name.  The S and N gives you trouble sometimes.

Melody basically owned this thing.  Fearless...always!

You and Graham hanging out.
Jenn was there and brought Jonah!  He was super sweet:)  Jenn was your main physical therapist ever since we came home from Dallas.  She was amazing and loves you so much.  In the past few months she took a new job so we don't get to see her as much:(
Getting ready to party!
Showing everyone how old you are on your fingers.

Check out my 89 year old grandmother Nona!!  Seriously- she is unbelievable.  Still works out and plays bridge all week!  She loves being involved with her great grandchildren!

Loved this cake!  Mrs. Whitenberg never disappoints!

Check out those oral motor skills!  This action might seem fairly normal to any other parent but if you've been through what we have, you will know it takes ALOT muscles and strength to blow that thing!  I will also say she had just learned how to do that a couple weeks earlier.  Speech therapy uses things like this and whistles to strengthen those muscles. 
Opening a few gifts before everyone got there.  The main thing she wanted us to get her was a Dora floatie.  One of her friends had one at the pool this Summer and she desperately wanted one.  Of course we bought several.  One for Melody (so they won't fight over them) and the others we stored away for when one gets a hole.  We are living and learning!
You were SOOO excited!  You just walked around the house for days wearing that thing!  Y'all even bath with them.  You always pretend you are swimming with it and say you're at the beach.  Poor thing....we gotta get y'all to the beach.  The only time you went was when you were around 9 months old!

You did a great job blowing out those candles!
Everyone chowing down.
You, Claire and Jonah.  It was so very hot that day.  We were all in sundresses and just dripping sweat.  Everyone was a trooper for coming out that day!  If I remember correctly, the party was at 3.  I'm thinking we will do a 10am party next year!
The top pic is you and Ms. Jenn and the bottom is you and Ms. Daniel (She is your Physical Therapist Assistant).  She is also crazy for you!!

Mary Hadley, Graham and Claire.
You and Claire have the best time together.  Y'all have always loved each other!
Chillin' in your Dora floatie.  It really is the simple things!
This was so funny- Totsie gave you these Hello Kitty glasses and you loved the packaging they came in you refused to take it off!
We of course went to Outback for you birthday dinner.  You chowed down on your 'bread-n-butter'!
When we got home we did more cake and you insisted on blowing out the candles again!  It's so special- I swear I would let you blow out candles everyday if you wanted to!

MORE PRESENTS!!  It was a wonderful day and has been an amazing year for you sweet girl!  We love you with all our hearts!!!
Notice how you are wearing Melody's floatie too.  Oh well!  We tried!

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